Are you a fan of Yoko/Kaede the insatiable super slut of JAV and inimitable dance queen? Do you have something you would want to post on this blog or perhaps you would like become a regular contributor? If so, you're in luck!
Currently there are 3 people contributing to this blog but only 1 author--me. I'm busy a lot, so if you have super fan posts you want to make to this blog (it can be pretty much anything Yoko related that isn't dangerously illegal or in terrible taste) you can become a contributor to the blog.
Simply send an email to the following address stating your desire to become a contributor and if I like you enough then we'll give you posting access: [that curly "a"-looking thing here] geemale [period] com
Of course if you post something naughty that I have to remove and possibly explain to authorities from Sweden, you'll have your privileges revoked :-). Behave fellow pervs!
P.S. In case you're wondering, the other 2 guys mainly get content, prepare it, upload it, etc. Fairly technical stuff that I'm not good at doing--but they seem to know what they're doing.